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Antonio Mallarino

Antonio Mallarino
ORGANIZATION: Iowa State University
PHONE: 515-294-6200
Topic Area(s):Water Quality
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Dr. Antonio Mallarino is Professor of Agronomy, Nutrient Management Research and Extension Specialist, at Iowa State University. His research and outreach efforts focus on cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally sound nutrient management practices for Iowa cropping systems. Emphasis is on fertilizer and manure management, soil and plant tissue testing, use of precision agriculture technologies, and minimizing phosphorus management impacts on water quality. He contributed to the development of the Iowa Phosphorus Index, contributes to the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy science team, and represents Iowa State University at the USDA/NIFA committees North Central Extension and Research (NCERA-13) and Minimizing Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture (SERA-17). He began his professional career at the University of Uruguay and joined the Iowa State University faculty in 1993. 

View Mallarino’s Google Scholar profile.