Research guides everything we do at the Iowa Water Center.

As the state’s Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), it is our mission to advance water science to meet Iowa’s water resource needs, and we do that through identifying and facilitating solutions to meet Iowa’s water resources research needs, communicating Iowa water resources research outcomes, and building Iowa’s water resources research infrastructure.

Funding Opportunities

We center research in all IWC initiatives, but our core mission work is carried out through our competitive research grants and the Water Scholars program:

Iowa Water Research

The statewide [104{b}] and regional [104(g)] water resources research grants programs directly fund innovative water research at Iowa’s colleges and universities to address local concerns. The focus area of the statewide RFP is guided by the IWC Advisory Board after a thorough review of active concerns across the state. The graduate student supplemental grant, part of the statewide competition, helps train the next generation of water scientists. The regional competition fosters collaboration across state lines to address widespread water resource concerns. Learn more about these funding opportunities or browse previously funded statewide and regional projects.

Water Scholars Program

The Water Scholars program is a statewide network of interdisciplinary water researchers and professionals with networking, collaboration, and education opportunities. Through Water Scholars, we are building a robust and connected water science community in Iowa.