About the
Iowa Water Center

Established in 1964, the Iowa Water Center (IWC) is a federally-funded Water Resources Research Institute that is one of 54 connected water centers, located in all 50 states and four territories.

Our Purpose

The Iowa Water Center was established and is operated in cooperation between Iowa State University and the U.S.  Geological Survey (USGS). Our purpose is to identify water-related research needs, administer innovative basic and applied research, and connect results to the public through outreach and education. Our core funding is appropriated by Congress through the Water Resources Research Act.

We support building statewide research capacity and education services while serving as an incubator for water-related research projects. IWC connects researchers, communities, and decision-makers to efficiently and effectively address the most pressing Iowa water resource management needs.

We are a recognized leader for water outreach and education in the state, region, and throughout the Water Resources Research Institutes program, and known for our role as hosts to the annual Iowa Water Conference, the state’s premier water professional development and networking event. Although our work centers on issues of local importance, the outcomes often have regional and national implications.

We are the Water Resources Research Act

The Iowa Water Center’s objectives are reflective of our charge as a Water Resources Research Institute under section 104 of the WaterResources Research Act of 1984:

Identify Iowa’s most pressing water resource concerns and facilitating diverse stakeholders to plan, conduct, or otherwise arrange for research that addresses these needs.

Educate water researchers, students, professionals, and local, state, and federal policy decision-makers on current basic and applied research and case studies.

Support the advancement of a system that enables innovative, disciplinary research and assists in the development of new and emerging water scientists.