Iowa Water Center related news and content has been running on a virtual platform since 2014. These articles have touched on an array of water-related topics. These topics include student researchers’ projects, soil health, water quality, flooding, stormwater, mapping data, leadership within Iowa’s water-sector, and so much more.

Our purpose is to inform Iowans of the latest water-related news happening throughout the state. There are so many great things happening within Iowa’s water-sector and the Iowa Water Center uses this platform to dive deep into specific water-related topics.

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Ask a Scientist – Flood Modeling
We ask Dan Gilles, Water Resources Engineer from the Iowa Flood Center, the question: Why is flood modeling important?
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Exemplifying Resilience
It has already been almost two weeks since the 2021 Iowa Water Conference, and I am floored by the response and interaction that occurred during the three-day virtual event. We
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Ask a Scientist – Peak Flow
We ask Ricardo Mantilla, Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, the question: what is peak flow?
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Ask a Scientist – Flood Forecasting System
We ask Ricardo Mantilla, Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, the question: What is the flood forecasting system?
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Ask a Scientist – Watershed Modeling
We ask Nathan Young, University of Iowa, the question: how do you model watershed land use?
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Ask a Scientist – Sustainable Cities We ask Linda Shenk, Iowa State University, the question: What are the steps to reach a sustainable city?
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Ask a Scientist – Floodplain Mapping
We ask Nathan Young, University of Iowa, the question: What is floodplain mapping?
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Ask a Scientist – Flood Prevention
We ask Nathan Young, University of Iowa, the question: how can someone get involved with flood prevention?
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Building Community Through Conservation
Research, action, and community.  These are the building blocks of Water Scholar, Dr. Linda Shenk’s ongoing research project that brings together a diverse community-university team—researchers and students from Iowa State,
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Ask a Scientist – Water Sensor Technologies
We ask Nathan Young, University of Iowa, the question: what are the different water sensor technologies in Iowa?
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Ask a Scientist – Geomorphologic Analysis
We ask Ricardo Mantilla, Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, the question: what is geomorphologic analysis?
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Ask a Scientist – Basin Areas
We ask Ricardo Mantilla, Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, the question: What is a basin area?
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