DES MOINES, Iowa — A water quality rule proposal and a contract are at the top of the Environmental Protection Commission’s (EPC) agenda for their Feb. 16 video conference meeting.
Commissioners will meet by video conference at 9:30 a.m. To join by video, connect with
A contract to develop a comprehensive watershed plan for the Maquoketa River watershed is up for commissioners’ approval. The completed plan is expected to provide a path for measurable improvements in water quality, the aquatic community and soil health.
Commissioners will also be asked to approve going forward with an amended rule proposal to streamline the 401 water quality certification of federal permits and licenses. The amended rule is necessary to align with a new federal rule.
The complete agenda includes:
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes
- Monthly Reports
- Director’s Remarks Kayla Lyon
- Contract with the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority
- Amended Notice of Intended Action – Chapter 61 – Water Quality Standards (Section 401 Water Quality Certification)
- General Discussion
Items for Next Month’s Meeting
- March 16 – EPC Business Meeting
- April 19 – Educational Tour Hamilton/Hardin County
- April 20 – EPC Business Meeting
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